Darwinia is awesome. I don't know how else to describe it.
The basic method of controlling your units is similar to Cannon Fodder - you left click to move a unit, right click to fire, and left click again while firing to use the units special weapon. However, the similarities end there. You can create more units at will, and change their special weapons, using the Gesture system. This basically involves holding Alt to bring up your Task Manager (thats the thing that shows you what you can do, your mission objects, research etc. etc.), and then waving your mouse around in an attempt to match a predefined pattern. Using this you can either change the weapons on your Squad, or create a new unit near one of your command towers. You have engineer units which take control of buildings, and collect Spirits of dead units (both enemies and your own), which you can use to create Darwinians and fuel your research.
Darwinians are the little green guys that run around the place. They are used to run mines and refineries, and, once upgraded, can be used as troops to fight the Virii.

Here's a few pics of the units in the beta level.

Invader (Air Strike unit)

And, finally, heres a pic of what the Air Strike does. Its real pretty.


You should keep in mind that all this info is taken from both the first beta release, and what is going to be the demo level, so obviously things are subject to change. I'll have more updates real soon!

Edited by Icepick on 27/08/2004 - 10:08:43