Random news
First thing, there is a new mod available, made by qfox. There are quite a lot of mods in development on the Official forums, so although things seem a little slow right now, hopefully it will pick up soon.

There are now a large number of Darwinia reviews all over the place in magazines and on websites, and it's doing extremely well. So far there has been only 1 bad review, giving the game 5.9 out of time, and almost all the others have scored the game over 8/10.

The Linux version of Darwinia was release a while ago. This is basically a free patch that you can download, which contains Linux binaries, which is then applied to the standard windows version.

Some of you will remember that some time, a friend of the Introversion guys did a painting based on one of the screenshots they released at the time. She has done another one based on the Temple screenshot, and it looks absolutely awesome.

Thats all for now!