Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I've been very busy with various other things.

First off, I got sent a new mod during the weekend, which you can now download from the Levels section!

Quite a few things have been happening with Darwinia since the last time I updated:

A new section was added to the extras area of the Official site, contain screenshots and information about the development of Darwinia. Its a very interesting read, so go check it out.

The Mac OS X version of Darwinia has been released, and is now available from Ambrosia.

The price of Darwinia has been reduced from £29.99 to £19.99. If you haven't picked it up yet, now you have no reason not to!

Finally, a new patch for Darwinia is currently being beta tested, and should be released soon! This makes a number of changes and fixes, a full list of which can be found here.

Sorry for the infrequent updates - I've got a load of uni work to do. I'll try and keep updates more regular, but for the next month or so, I can't promise anything.