
This guide is entitled; Darwinia crashes when I [blank], and how do I fix it?

OK so you're midway through making your mod... all of a sudden, you find darwinia crashing when you do such and such.

Because I've pretty much found every common way to make darwinia crash by doing something, or by not doing something, I thought I'd write down every sort of crash I can think of, and more importantly, how to fix them. Note that this is relating to mods, not general problems with playing Darwinia.

On that, there are two basic classes of crash, those that will crash the editor out, and require you to start darwinia up again, and ones that will require you to repair a mistake in your mod files by hand. Then there's class C which no one cares about.

I got a nice helping hand from xander on this one, so kudos to him for being able to break stuff!